







Top 3 Interests
Playing Piano or Musical Instruments
Reading or Listening to Audiobooks
Other Interests
Board Games/Cards/Dice Games/Chess
Knitting or Crocheting
Museums/Art Exhibits
Music - Listening to or creating


's Letter

Hello, host family! My name is Alice, I am a Brazilian girl and I am going to stay a semester studying in the USA. I live with my parents and my older sister, who I have a great relationship with, and my two dogs, Bidu and Sansão. Here in Brazil I have many friends from school because I have been going to the same school my entire life, however, I am quite shy in places where I do not know anyone and I hope to work on that while I am there with you. I value my closest friendships because I find them to be extremely meaningful to me, for example, my three friends that I met in third grade, I know I can tell them anything and they will listen and I would do anything for them. I absolutely love hanging out with my friends. It can be anywhere: at the mall, at a meeting, at a park, at school, at someone’s house. I feel well when I am around people that I like and that I know like me back. I have always been an artistic person, so one thing that is crucial to me is art. I appreciate every art expression: movies, literature, illustrations, music and I cannot live without it. I always have some music playing, I am regularly reading a book, I always want to watch a movie and I do not deny going to an art gallery. I see art as the foundation of the human being, because the type of art that people create and that they consume reveals a big part of the person’s thoughts and view of the world. I had always been drawing and painting, but, unfortunately, I have reduced the amount of time that I do that because I have too many works from school to do. I started guitar lessons last year and I really love to play, even though I am not the absolute best musician. Makeup and clothing are also something that I like. I feel well when I have my makeup on and a good-looking outfit, so I would say I am a pretty vain person, but not to the point where I would get late for school because I would be getting all dolled up, especially because I do not have the patience doing that every single day. It has been two years since I became a vegetarian, so I do not eat meat. It happened after I watched a movie called Okja from Netflix and it had changed my whole perspective about the meat that I was eating. At first, my mother disapproved my choice but then she got used to it; now I have a balanced diet. Every time I comment on that, people get interested to know more, and I think it is really nice. Even though I love to go to the beach, I do not function very well in places with higher temperatures. I get dizzy and can do nothing the whole day and it affects my humor as well. I am not the most athletic person, as I do not like to play any sports, especially the ones where I have to join a team, like soccer or basketball, but I have been going to the gym near my house since the end of last year, and, surprisingly, I enjoy doing the work outs. Some other physical activities that I am pleased to do are: cycling and walking on the treadmill, but I am willing to try out new things, since that is one of the points on going on this program. I am a very dedicated student, so I am always studying and worrying about my grades and sometimes I forget about living my life outside school. That is also something that I want to work on this time in the US: try not to take myself so seriously. I hope we get along and that we have a great time together, creating memories and exchanging experiences with one another. I am looking forward to meet you! Warm regards, Alice

A little more about me


Portuguese (native), English (10+ years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Nimesulide. I took this medicine once, my lips started to swell out and then the swelling went down my throat. I went to the emergency and the Doctor said I must never take this medicine again, otherwise the allergy could be worse, putting my life at risk

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?




Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Fall Semester

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation

Chemical Engineer

Mother's Occupation



Sofia (19)

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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