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Inviting an international high school student to live in your home and experience life in America with your family creates a connection that will last a lifetime. Learn more about Ayusa students and where they come from to find the right fit for you and your family!
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47 results
Hamad A.
, Age
Top 3 Interests:
Piloting/Flying Aircraft
Piloting/Flying Aircraft
Videography/Film Making
Videography/Film Making
Letter from
Dear American Family, My name is Hamad and I am 15 years old. I have two brothers and a sister. Me being the eldest of my siblings makes me responsible for them, especially if my parents are not home. My passion is aviation ever since I was young. The moment I first saw a plane, that was it. I love everyth ing about planes, how they work, how they fly, how they look, and basically everything. I've also built up a collection of 1/400 scale aircraft models. At my last count, I counted 68 mod
Noemy Andrea
· 17, Female
Top three interests: Cooking, Family Activities, Travel
Letter from Noemy Andrea: Dear Host Family, My name is Noemy, I’m from Italy and I am happy to be spending 10 months with... (continue reading)
Noemy Andrea
· 17, Female
Top three interests: Cooking, Family Activities, Travel
Letter from Noemy Andrea: Dear Host Family, My name is Noemy, I’m from Italy and I am happy to be spending 10 months with... (continue reading)
Noemy Andrea
· 17, Female
Top three interests: Cooking, Family Activities, Travel
Letter from Noemy Andrea: Dear Host Family, My name is Noemy, I’m from Italy and I am happy to be spending 10 months with... (continue reading)
Noemy Andrea
· 17, Female
Top three interests: Cooking, Family Activities, Travel
Letter from Noemy Andrea: Dear Host Family, My name is Noemy, I’m from Italy and I am happy to be spending 10 months with... (continue reading)
Noemy Andrea
· 17, Female
Top three interests: Cooking, Family Activities, Travel
Letter from Noemy Andrea: Dear Host Family, My name is Noemy, I’m from Italy and I am happy to be spending 10 months with... (continue reading)
Noemy Andrea
· 17, Female
Top three interests: Cooking, Family Activities, Travel
Letter from Noemy Andrea: Dear Host Family, My name is Noemy, I’m from Italy and I am happy to be spending 10 months with... (continue reading)
Noemy Andrea
· 17, Female
Top three interests: Cooking, Family Activities, Travel
Letter from Noemy Andrea: Dear Host Family, My name is Noemy, I’m from Italy and I am happy to be spending 10 months with... (continue reading)
Noemy Andrea
· 17, Female
Top three interests: Cooking, Family Activities, Travel
Letter from Noemy Andrea: Dear Host Family, My name is Noemy, I’m from Italy and I am happy to be spending 10 months with... (continue reading)
Noemy Andrea
· 17, Female
Top three interests: Cooking, Family Activities, Travel
Letter from Noemy Andrea: Dear Host Family, My name is Noemy, I’m from Italy and I am happy to be spending 10 months with... (continue reading)

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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