







Top 3 Interests
Family Activities
Other Interests
Reading or Listening to Audiobooks


's Letter

Dear future host family! Thank you so much for participating in this exchange program and for taking your time and getting to know me a bit. I’m Ida and I am from Germany. I’m currently in the 10th grade and my big goal in life is to see the world, including America. I love going on vacation and trips so much. Me and my family have been to other countries 12 times and I enjoy travelling a lot. I hope to see many parts of the USA and getting to know many new cultures. I was always fascinated by the idea of doing an exchange year in the USA, because I was interested in the American culture due to movies and books since I was a child. I think of the American people as very friendly and of course I really want to improve my English as well. I want my personality to develop and grow and an exchange year would really help me with that. I’m also very excited to go to an American high school, because everything is so different from Germany and I think I would see my new things. Here in Germany my favourite school subjects are English and History. I’m in a bilingual class, which means I have geography and history on English. I’ve always enjoyed speaking English, because I think it is very fun to learn, but also to speak. I learn it since I was four years old. I like history because I simply think that it is very interesting, and I like that there is always something new to learn. My friends and family would describe me as a very outgoing and open-minded person, because I love getting to know new people and I always talk a lot. I always tell people when I have a problem with something, because in my opinion communication is very important. They would probably also describe me as a very funny person, because I never can take things seriously and I love to make other people laugh. A bad habit of mine is probably my clumsiness. I’ve always been a very chaotic person and I forget many things and get lost in my own thoughts all the time. Also I’m late to everything all the time. I am very athletic, and I enjoy doing sports a lot. Here in Germany, I play handball and go to the gym. I am open for new activities and am looking forward to attending school clubs. In my free-time I also enjoy playing volleyball and always play beach-volleyball when I am on vacation at the beach. When I am in America I would love to join the Volleyball or Tennis club at my new high school, because handball is not very popular in the USA. My mom is a nurse, and my dad is an Electrician. I have two older brothers and I love spending time with my family, because we always had a very good connection and are very close and I hope that I could be a part of your family as well. We have a dog who I love spending time with, by going on walks or playing with him. Other chores of mine are loading the dishwasher and vacuuming the floor and I could help you with those things in your household as well. I also love spending time with all of my friends, for example by doing movie nights or going out to restaurants. My friends are very important to me, because I know that I can trust them, which is a very important personality trade. Of course, I’ll be missing my friends and family a lot during my exchange year, but I won’t be missing out on such an experience because of that! I would love to bring some German culture to your American household, because in my opinion it is very interesting and I know a lot about it, since I’ve been living here my whole life. I could bake you our traditional food from around here and teach you funny German words. We can bake or cook a lot together in general , as I enjoy doing that with my mom and dad too. I still have to learn a lot about that though and am not really good at it yet. In my future I intend to be a primary teacher, because I enjoy working with children. I sadly never had younger siblings, but I still love toddlers and children and spending time with them. I also love helping people or explaining things to them, so I think it’d be a fitting career. I believe that we could have an amazing time together and I would be delighted to gather unforgettable memories with you and become a part of your family! Thank you so much for taking your time to getting to know me. Kind regards, Ida

A little more about me


German (native), English (10+ years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Fall Semester

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation


Mother's Occupation



Ben (21) Tom (18)

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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