







Top 3 Interests
Tennis/Soft Tennis
Video or Online Games
Other Interests
Drama or Theater
Playing Cards
Amusement Parks or Water Parks
Music - Listening to or creating
Singing - Choir or Karaoke


's Letter

Dear Host Family, I really like K-pop. Thanks to K-pop, I can sing better. I wanted everyone to know about K-pop, so I studied and published K-pop in the presentation of my research paper in junior high school, so friends and people became interested in K-pop, and I like Mahjong. My family has been playing mahjong for a long time, and I was a little intimidated by it, so when I first saw it was interesting and I still play it. Recently, mahjong was popular at my school, but many friends didn’t know how to win, so I became a mahjong teacher and taught everyone Actually, I don’t have any dreams now, but I want to be someone who is respected and trusted by others. That’s because I think respect and trust are the most important things. I want to be the cool person no matter what job I get and what kind of person I get involved with. Respect and trust are important in life, work, and relationships, so I want to cherish respect and trust more than anyone else and become a person who has them more than anyone else. I want to be a person who can lead others through a lot of experiences. Through this program, I want to increase my knowledge of America while learning English. I want to live normally like an American student and enjoy the difference from Japan. I think there are times when I am confused about different cultures from Japan, but I want to actively work on the first experience and get used to it. Also, I have been watching American movies and dramas since I was little, and home parties and school life were sparkling, so I want to play sports, cook and sing with new friends. I’m looking forward to experiencing many new experiences with host families and new friends. Actually, I have several experiences of helping others. I always go to school by train and subway. One day, while I was on the train as usual, a woman next to me fell down, so I pressed the emergency stop button and called for help. Thank s so that, the woman was able to be rescued safely. I think it’s because I decided to press the emergency stop button. After all, I thought it was very important to act with the right knowledge. I want to continue to study a lot of new right knowledge and use right knowledge to help others. Sincerely, Yu

A little more about me


English (4 years), Japanese (native), Chinese (1 year)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Academic Year

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation


Mother's Occupation



Ai (17)

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

Start application