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's Letter

Dear Host Family, I am Federico! First of all, I would like to thank you for hosting me for 10 months in your family, I am looking forward to getting to know you and taking part in your daily life. I also hope that after this experience is over our relationship will last; I like the idea of becoming part of an American family, I am curious to discover both your family and national traditions. I believe I am a sunny and friendly guy, I always jump at the possibility of new adventures, in fact I would describe myself as curious: I want to learn a lot of new things that on this side of the world I would never be able to see and I hope to bring you some prospective and ideas from here! Another adjective that fits me is adaptable to new situations and I am ready to make all effort to feel comfortable with you and the new environment. It is for this reason that I believe I will adjust well to my new American life. My friends say that I am a good listener and that I am sincere and funny. I love all kinds of sports: I like basketball, especially the whole NBA world, I also like tennis as I think it's one of the most exciting sports, but the sport I love most is soccer. I've been practicing 2 or 3 times a week for about ten years and I play for my city's team but what I want to bring to America is the discipline and passion for sports in general and it would be great to practice or even learn new sports that we don't practice in Italy such as lacrosse. I am sure that the sport will also help me to settle in and make new friends. Starting this year I have decided to start coaching a group of almost 30 children aged five to seven, where my goal is to pass on the passion for soccer; I love being with children and when you see the smiles on their faces after kicking the ball I feel so fulfilled. Me and my family go to the stadium every weekend to support the city’s team, and I love it because the atmosphere in the stadium is indescribable! Do you like sports? Do you support any team in any sport? Another passion of mine is music: I listen mostly to American artists like Drake, Travis Scott and the Weeknd, but I enjoy all kinds of genres. Music is very important to me because it can convey all kinds of emotions. This summer I went to a concert where there were various artists and it really left me with a great memory because I realized that music can bring people together and if used in the right way also convey the right message. I look forward to learning about your musical tastes! Last but not least, my main passion is fashion: in fact when I was asked to choose what path to follow during high school, I had no doubt that fashion would be it. It is an art form in all its aspects, from the organization of companies, the design of clothes, advertising campaigns. I study all this in school and it is really exciting to study the whole process of producing and selling a dress. This year they taught us how to sew and make a skirt: it was really challenging at first but I managed! My relationship with school is smooth I consider myself a good student; another one of my goals is to commit to school and get used to the new school system as best I can. I live in a big family consisting of mom, dad and three siblings, all older than me, also not to forget my dog Lula. I am the youngest brother and I feel safe to say that the relationship with my brothers has always been good, we share a lot of passions like soccer and music and my brother Giovanni – who is two years older – is also in my group of friends. My brother Samuele is twenty-five years old and studies philosophy, while my brother Gabriele works for a company. My parents try to come to us with the right limits and my brothers have taught me to give respect to older people. I am looking forward to taking part in this journey; I want to help you as much as possible to get to know me and for that I would like us to have a sincere relationship. I hope to be able to communicate with you to the best of my ability during these months and to be able to get to know you even before my arrival. I am really excited to spend 10 months there with you. I look forward to your response and thanks again for taking the time to read my letter See you soon! Love, Federico

A little more about me


Italian (native), English (10+ years)



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Are you ok to live with pets?


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Program Length

Academic Year

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation


Mother's Occupation




Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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