







Top 3 Interests
Formula One Racing
Piloting/Flying Aircraft
Playing Piano or Musical Instruments
Other Interests
Family Activities
Amusement Parks or Water Parks
Music - Listening to or creating
School clubs/organizations
Tennis/Soft Tennis
Travel/Road Trips
Video or Online Games


's Letter

Hi! My name's Tristan! I'm a student in High School in France. Before my last year, I'd love to go to the US to do an exchange a year, and to be a exchange student. It's been a long time since I started to talk about going there to my parents, because I have always wanted to discover this culture, this way of life. I'm someone who like to change the routine, I can't live with the same routine for a long time. Since I was young I moved 8 times, thanks to this I made new friends everytime and it developped my sociability. That's why I can easily talk to a stranger and create new relationships. I love to talk with adults about deep conversations, but also with children to play with them, and of course people of my age with whom I can talk about anything and everything. I need to share my life story with someone who is everytime here and who can share their life with me, someone I trust, and I can't live without someone who is almost my age and I would love to have a host sibling. But on the other hand I need my space sometimes, I need to be alone with my music and my thoughts. The fact that I moved 8 times made me also more responsible, indepedent and autonomous. I do my wash machines, I change my sheets but I also go out with friend regularly, because I love to hangout with them, this is my first occupation. When nobody can hangout, I do other things : I enjoy watching formula 1, I watch every single free practice, qualifying and race when there's a race week. Formula 1 is one of my passion. At my home I have a drive simulator with a pedalboard, a wheel and I play, when there's nobody to hangout with, F1 23. I have an other simulator in my bedroom, which is Flight Simulator, because before the F1, the aviation, with planes, flying, is my first passion. I want to become an airline pilot, that's also why I want to go in the US for a year : to become bilangual and speak as if it was my native language. I started to take some flight lessons, and I really love piloting and flying. So I play a lot of either racing or fliying simulator. In my life I'm someone who is very sportive, since I was young I've always done a lot of activities such as gym, swimming, athletism, circus, tennis, tampoline, and the last : Parkour. I practice parkour since the beggining of the 2022-2023 school year. After only a week, my teacher asked me if I wanted to go in the competition section so I had no choice but to accept, and I did 4 competitions and 1 nationnal competition of Parkour. To occupy my free time, I play piano. I enjoy playing piano, it makes me think about nothing, it changes my mind, it devellops my skills because I always want to learn a new piece on the piano. At home, I have a cat. I love cats but I don't really like dogs, they make me uncomfortable, and if he's too big I could get scared. I love mathematics. I hope this letter helped you to figure out my profile and I hope my profile will match to your values. I really thank you in advance for choosing me and to accept to welcome me for an entire year. Have a good day/evening ! Best regards Tristan

A little more about me


French (native), English (6 years), Spanish (6 years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Academic Year

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation

Managing director

Mother's Occupation

School teacher


Etylia (19)

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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