







Top 3 Interests
Ice Skating/Figure skating
Playing Piano or Musical Instruments
Other Interests
Church Activities or Clubs
Family Activities
Babysitting/Working with kids
Kayaking or Canoeing
Reading or Listening to Audiobooks
School clubs/organizations


's Letter

Dear host family. Thank you very much for taking me into your family and giving me the opportunity to live in the USA for a few month. I am a girl from Germany who is currently in 10th grade. I would describe myself as a very helpful, creative, open-minded, fun-loving and out-going person. I also love to travel and on the top of my list is America. I want to get to know the different culture, meet new people, try and learn new things and of course improve my English. I like to do sports like ice skating and snowboarding, I love to hang out with my friends and I like to read. I obviously speak German and some English and French, but not fluently. I want to learn fluent and good English in the USA. I would like to live in the USA for half a year because I think there are many differences compared to Germany. I am curious to learn about American culture and traditions and I am looking forward to see new places. I have also often heard that Americans are very nice and open people, which I would of course like to experience for myself. I play the horn in a concert band, which I really enjoy. Four months ago I started ice skating and I really enjoy it. I played basketball in a club for many years, but not anymore. I would really love it if I could join a sports club in American high school, but I am also very open to participate in any other activities. In my free time I like to meet up with friends, I have a really good relationship with them, do sports or read something. I also love baking. I would also like to share some of the German culture with you, for example cook something typically German for you and show you traditional meals. In my future I could well imagine doing something medical or studying biology, but I'm not quite sure yet, first I definitely want to finish school with very good grades. I definitely want to travel and see the different parts of the world. My father works full-time in a company that manufactures milling machines for teeth and my mother works part-time in an engineering office that does sewage treatment planning and operational consulting. In the afternoon she is at home and takes care of other things. I also have a little brother who is almost 3 years younger than me and likes mountain biking. When all four of us are at home, we play games, cook or just talk among each other. We are a close family and it would be great if I could become a part of yours. I am very excited to get to know you and I am looking forward to it. Warm regards Mona

A little more about me


German (native), English (6 years), French (5 years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Scratchy throat, mild symptoms

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Academic Year

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation


Mother's Occupation



Max (13)

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

Start application