







Top 3 Interests
Band or Orchestra
Computers or Technology
Playing Piano or Musical Instruments
Other Interests
Visiting Museums
Amusement Parks or Water Parks
Music - Listening to or creating
Reading or Listening to Audiobooks
Scuba Diving/Snorkeling
Skiing Downhill or Snowboarding
Travel/Road Trips
Video or Online Games


's Letter

Dear Host Family, First of all, I would like to thank you for volunteering for this year abroad program and being willing to let me stay with your family. I live in Germany with my mother, who is from China. My father was from the US, where most of my family lives. I occasionally visit them during the summer vacations. During the latest visit, I went on a white water rafting trip in Idaho with my cousin last summer, where I had a lot of fun. Describing myself, I am a curious, adventurous, musical, empathetic and helpful person. At home I enjoy listening to music, reading, or playing video games with my friends. I also help my mother with household chores, like cleaning windows, doing dishes, cooking or mowing the lawn. I usually practice the cello for about an hour. I have played the cello for about 10 years and I enjoy playing solo or together with other people. I play in an orchestra and hope to join an orchestra in the US as well. My best experience was when I played in the "Berliner Philharmonie". It was a great and inspiring moment. I also enjoy sports like baseball, swimming, soccer, hockey and skiing. I hope I will have a chance to play baseball in the US. My mother is a software engineer and works a lot during weekdays. We travel a lot during school vacations. Mostly we go to Greece or Spain, which we both enjoy a lot. We also visit my family in China once a year, which is always a wonderful time. Currently I am in the tenth grade and I enjoy my time at school, especially when spending time with my friends. My favorite subjects include Chemistry and Computer Science,but I also like English, PE, Music and Biology. After school I would like to work in the field of computer science, chemistry or biology. I am participating in this exchange program, because I want to experience how it is like to live and study in the US as I plan to attend university after high school. Although I have stayed with my family in the US for some weeks, I have never experienced the school life of life outside of vacation in the US. And this is also a good opportunity for me to learn to be more independent. I hope to engage in school activities such as joining an orchestra or sports team. I am excited about becoming a part of your family for one year. Best regards Alain

A little more about me


German (native), English (10+ years), Chinese (10+ years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Academic Year

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation

Mother's Occupation

Software Developer


Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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