







Top 3 Interests
Playing Piano or Musical Instruments
Travel/Road Trips
Other Interests
Tennis/Soft Tennis


's Letter

Dear host family, To begin, my name is Esteban. Now I'm going to tell you a little about my family, I have my mother, her name is Aurélie, she's to important for me because I love to take a minute in a day to tell her my day or others things ! Also there is my father, his name is Mathieu, he's everytime working but I admire him because he is so courageous, serious but he can be funny and I also like pass a moment with him. I also can tell you about my brother, his name is Tedy (as the bear in english !), he's 17 years old but In january he's gonna have 18 years old. What can I tell you about him ? I like doing activities with him like sports, go to watch a movie at cinema, go to do some attractions at funfair and many others things ! As I said, the family is too important to me, my parents has always said to me that the family, my family will always be by my side ! In family, we don't like to stay at home, we like to do activities like cinema, sports, shoping, to go to the pool, to go to the restaurent and visit some new things... Also in my life there is the school ! I never had problems to go at school I'm gonna say that I like school, to see my friends, to study, and to pass good moments but I'm also happy when I finished my day and I return at home. At home I pass around 40 minutes to work sometimes minus and sometimes more it depents. Now let's talk about what do I like, I am crazy about chocolate, cookie dough but I need to control myself ! I love to do sports, my favorite sport is the tenis, if I could I will do it the next year at high school ! I don't really know why but this year I wanted to try rugby and I also like it but it's different of the tenis and I have to admit that I prefer the tenis. I also love to watch movies or series obviously to watch netflix and to go to the cinema ! I love to do shoping, to see the new clothings ! I love animals too, it's like a passion for me ! As I said before I don't really like to stay at home. :D To describe myself, I'll say that I am a funny boy, I like to do jokes ! I'm ambicious, perseverent because when I have a goal I'll be all of what I can do to get it ! I am also kind and attentive because I like to listen to the people and be there for them ! I have to admit that I am talkative, I don't really know if this is a quality or a default but It's a part of myself I love to speak ! and the last thing that I can add about myself it's that I am organized, my room is always clean and tidy ! But as everybody I have defaults... I am not patient, I must admit that I don't really like to wait... Also I'm diificult (in terms of foods) I don't really like vegetables it can be a default. I'm stubborn, because all my family always say that I want to have reason and I am agree with them... Now im going to explain to you why that experience. Since I was around 3 years old I loved the english language, and I always wanted to go to the United states of America, so I decided that destination because this always was my dream, I want to improve my english and everybody says that this is the better way to improve my english. For my family, I will be able to cook french meal for them ! I will be able to bring with me my french culture as many things ! I can do household chores, help the children, feed the animals and many others thing ! I wanted to thank my host family in advance for their hospitality and because it is also thanks to them that I will be able to make my dream come true ! Sincerely, Esteban

A little more about me


French (native), English (3 years), Spanish (3 years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Academic Year

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation


Mother's Occupation


Tedy (18)

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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