







Top 3 Interests
Other Interests
Family Activities
Babysitting/Working with kids
Environmental Protection
Learning languages or cultures
Music - Listening to or creating
Organizing Events
Reading or Listening to Audiobooks
Studying/Learning new things
Travel/Road Trips


's Letter

Dear Host Family, thank you very much that you are willing to let me live with you for one year! I am really excited about living in a foreign country for one year. I thought about what country to visit and I decided to choose the US very fast. That is because I think the US is a very great and interesting country to live in. Additionally, it is extremely divers, regarding its people, different life styles, landscapes and more. I know it is not possible to get to know everything there in only one year, but I am sure I will have a great experience, doesn’t matter if I will live in a rural small area or in a big city or anything in between. I am a German girl and I am an active person. I like meeting up with my friends, being creative, doing sports and organizing events etc. at school. In my free time, I often do something with my friends, most times just by meeting somewhere and chat, sometimes we also go to the cinema or soccer games or anything like that. Last year, I joined a dance school which was also very fun and where I met some people that count to my best friends now. In summer, we additionally had a dance ball which was a great experience. I am also a creative person; I especially love sewing and creative writing and being on stage with my drama class at school. In the evenings after school, I babysit once a week, because I really love little kids, and I also normally go to handball training about two or three times a week. On the weekends, I usually have matches with my team. I really like acting as a team, like I do when I’m playing handball. I also like to act as a team at school where I am the student’s president this year and I organize school events and plan other things in school together with the other members of the student council. In general, at school I like most subjects, some more, some less. One of my favorite ones is Spanish and I would be happy if I could continue learning it at school during my exchange year, but if that is not possible, that is okay too. Additionally, I hope that I will find as good friends in the US as I did in Germany. At home, I have one best friend, some very close friends and a friend group with many people I’m also good friends with. My family includes my mom, my dad and my younger brother Jari. We use to have dinner together all week and on weekends, we usually have breakfast together and we often enjoy different activities, like hiking, swimming and playing games, as a family on weekends and during vacation. We do not have any pets and to be honest I'm a bit scared of big dogs but if you have any pets of course I could imagine living with them. Finally, it isn’t only important to me to get to know America. I’d also like to tell you about my home country Germany. For example, Germany has a lot of history and culture, including art, music, architecture and lots more. I am sure it will be very interesting to discover the differences and the similarities of our two countries. All in all, I would describe myself as an active, creative, focused and helpful person, because to me it is important that decisions are made in a way which is okay for everyone. I am really looking forward to seeing you and especially to living with you for one school year! Warm regards, Mila :)

A little more about me


German (native), English (9 years), Spanish (4 years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

I wouldn't like to live with big dogs because they scare me. I'd be fine with any other pets.

Program Length

Academic Year

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation

environmental engineer

Mother's Occupation



Jari (13)

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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