







Top 3 Interests
Video or Online Games
Other Interests
Running or Jogging
Bike-Riding/Mountain biking or BMX
Music - Listening to or creating
Reading or Listening to Audiobooks
Tennis/Soft Tennis


's Letter

Dear host family, I hope you're doing well To begin, thank you for reading my letter Honestly i don't know how to introduce myself. I'm a normal teenager, I like sport, music... nothing very original. My family is not big. I am an only child. My parents have been separated since I was 5 years old and I always lived with only one parent but I adapt easily. My parents still have a good relationship and our system is simple. I'm a week with my mother and then one with my father. The journeys are not difficult because my parents do not live very far from each other. I'm in a really nice school. Not the best that's for sure but I love this school because the teachers are nice, I have my friends... I think I'm a good student anyway I try. I do what it takes to get the grades I want even if it's not always easy to manage with activities, family and friends. I try not to settle for the minimum. I have more difficulties in certain subjects but I adapt by working more if necessary. My favorite subjects are science and history. On normal days I work two to three hours at home and if I have heavy control it can go up to six hours. Outside of school I have a lot of activity. I spend time with my family and friends, I go to the gym, I listen to and play music (I started the guitar this year), I try to find time to read and sometimes I play video games. Spending time with my friends is very important to me because my friends have always been there for me and they always will be I've always had trouble talking about my qualities myself but I'll try. Everyone says I have a fairly developed sense of humor, my friends feel they can trust me and they don't hesitate to talk to me when they need to. Adults say I'm polite. I think I'm sociable. Even if like for everyone, at the beginning it is always a little difficult to reach out to others, once this stage is behind me I quickly become talkative (maybe too much sometimes) and friendly. I am very open minded. I have no problem with cultural differences or anything. I respect the habits and values ​​of each person even if they are different from mine and I have no problem adapting myself so that everyone is satisfied. My main motivation for going to the United States is obviously to learn English. But I also hope to live a special experience, discover another culture and meet people that I will remember all my life. Why the United States? Because it's a country that I really like for the culture, the music... I also know several people who also went there to learn English and they always told me about their stay with this little thing in the eyes that made me think, "that looks awesome". I hope that this cultural exchange and this human experience will also be beneficial for you, my host family and for anyone I might meet. Finally, I would obviously like to thank you for reading this letter and and to give me the chance to live this experience by welcoming me. I can't wait to meet you even if I will have to wait a while longer. Best Regards.

A little more about me


French (native), Dutch (6 years), English (4 years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Pollen/birch trees: hay fever (sneezing, rhinitis, light asthma) When it is the season: Levocetirizine and ventolin

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Academic Year

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation

Mother's Occupation



Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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