







Top 3 Interests
Other Interests
Visiting Museums
Studying/Learning new things


's Letter

Dear host family, I'm writing this letter to give you some information about my personality. A lot of people think that I'm very polite and nice and that's true because I believe that you should be kind to everyone, even to those who are mean to you. I am also humble and I don't like to show off my skills unless I'm asked to. I am very clever and I spend a lot of time studving because I would like to become a successful business woman in the future; so, even though I don't like the topic we're studying at school, I still want to learn it because I know it's for my own good. In addition, I am a very neat person, in fact, the first thing I do as soon as I wake up in the morning is making my own bed. I also clean my room very often and I don't like to leave things all over the house. I am very sweet too, I love my family with all my heart and I love spending my time with them. I have never disrespected my parents or argued with them or yelled at them. I also love my libig brother, he's three years older than me and I would do anything just to make him happy. My favourite subject at school is philosophy, it's very interesting to get to know what ancient men's thoughts were. My friends think I'm crazy because they say philosophy is difficult and complex but I believe it's exactly the difficulty in understanding it that attracts me. I also like science and Italian literature and I am very passionate about . I'm also a sporty person, I've played classical and modern dance for about eight years, than I did two years of artistic gymnastics and I swam for almost two years when I was little. I've attended a theatre course for eight years and a piano course for two years. Right now, I want to keep fit so I'm just going to gym and this is also a good excuse to meet my friends. What I usually do on a daily basis is wake up at 7 am, have breakfast, wash my face, brush my teeth, I get ready and then I go to school. When I get home, my family and I have lunch together and then I lie in bed for about an hour before I start doing my homework. Then I go to the gym at 7 pm and when I get home I have dinner with my family and finally I go to sleep at 10.30pm. Whereas on the weekend, I can sleep a little longer and spend more time with my family. Then I hang out with my friends and we usually go to a pizzeria. Since I was a kid I've always wanted to go the USA. I want to know what studying in an American high school means and be perfectly fluent in English. I have been studying English for eleven years now just because I was used to watch American TV series and listen to English songs and I was like: "one day I will be able to understand what they're saying". Moreover, I am very friendly so I'm pretty sure I will make a lot of friends. I'm also very good at cooking, so sometimes we can cook some Italian dishes together, if you please. I also like to be present at the dinner table and talk rather than just using my phone. I hope I can spend the best year of my life there. Thank you for dedicating your time and I hope you enjoyed my letter. I can't wait to see you. Yours truly, V.

A little more about me


Italian (native), English (10+ years), Greek (3 years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Academic Year

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation


Mother's Occupation



Paolo (20)

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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