







Top 3 Interests
Visiting Museums
Other Interests
Drama or Theater


's Letter

Good morning dear family I don't know exactly how to start this letter, but I know you're curious to know a little about me. Starting with character, I'm a very eccentric, sunny, curious and energetic girl I don't like being still, because that would mean getting bored, I always look for a way to keep myself busy, reading a book, listening to some music, working out, going out with friends or even watching a movie. I like to cook, I love making desserts, like cakes, pancakes or creepes. At home, I help my mother with the chores, such as setting the table or clearing the table and to hang clothes, all when I don't have too much homework to do. I practiced many sports, including volleyball (for 3 years), gymnastics (for 5 years), skating (for 1year), dance (for 1year) and the theater courses that I still practice with kick boxing. I really like traveling and visiting art or cinema museums, with my family we have visited many cities, most of the time we go to the same countries to visit different cities, in a nutshell we go where art takes us, until now we went to France, England, Spain and Tunisia, and being an Italo-Tunisian girl, we have a little house in Tunisia where we go for the summer, also to visit my family on my father's side. My typical day changes from day to day, this given that on Monday and Friday I finish at 5 and then at 6.30 I have training, on TuesdayI have the day off and usually after I wake up, it depends on what time I get up, I go for a run, or start doing my homework followed by housework and then I go for a walk in the park to get some fresh air. On Wednesdays and Thursdays I finish at 2 pm, in one afternoon I have training sessions, in the other I have theater classes until 5 pm. On Saturdays I have school until 12, then I go home and go out with my friends or with my parents. At school we do address subjects, such as photography workshops, but also mathematics, English, law, science, Italian, history, ECDL and more. My favorite subjects are maths, english, exercise science and photo labs. Another thing i really love is reading romance novels or even better poetry, my favorite poetess is Emily Dickinson, I mostly read books recommended by the booktok. I like playing sports and trying new experiences, alone or in company, I recently did soft air with my best friend as her birthday party. Every year, since I can, I've been an entertainer at the summer camp, I'm with the children, I make them play safely, me with the other entertainers. My parents and I are quite close, I talk more with my mother because she understands me more, but that doesn't mean that I don't have a good relationship with my father. They taught me a lot of, emotional things, like loyalty, but also techniques, like fixing a cable or similar things, with my brother I have a completely different relationship, we don't talk about our personal affairs, but we are very close, for anything I can count on him and he on me. I have many friends, but few good ones, two best friends, one of which I've known since I was 6 and the other for 2 years, we both met thanks to school and bonded immediately we have many things in common, we like the same music and the same tastes of movies or TV series. With this I conclude my presentation. Thanks for getting this far, I can't wait to start this experience. Goodbye and thanks again.

A little more about me


Italian (native), English (10+ years), French (3 years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



No Pork

Special Diet Details

I follow Ramadam guidelines when it's time.

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Academic Year

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation


Mother's Occupation



Rayen Mohamed (20)

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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