







Top 3 Interests
Other Interests
Playing Cards
Family Activities
Horseback Riding/Racing
Learning languages or cultures
Reading or Listening to Audiobooks
Rock Climbing/Canyoning
Skiing Downhill or Snowboarding
Studying/Learning new things
Travel/Road Trips


's Letter

Dear host family, My name is Audrey, I'm from France and I want to thank you for considering my application. There are a few hings that I think are important for you to know me better. First of all, I'm a person with a rather quiet personality. Even if I can be a little bit shy at first, I love to talk and discover new people. I hope that I can easily adapt myself to a new home and to a new family. Since I have a little sister, I know how to take care of kids and I get along very well with them. I also love pets, especially cats. I have one at my house his name is Sushi just like the food. That makes me think that I really like food and that I eat pretty much everything pizza, pasta, vegetables, fruits, meat and desserts. I would love to make some French dishes like crepes. But, I can't make as many as I would like because I don't have a lot of skills in that field. I want to live for a year in the USA with the typical american life because it's an amazing experience that will bring me so much: the language, the culture, the different subjects at school who won't be the same as the French ones, the different sports and the people. In France, I have a really good relationship with my family. I live with my mom, my dad,my big sister, my little sister and my cat. I have a big family and we love to spend time together. We usually spend our holidays at my grandparents houses with our cousins. When I'm not with my family, I'm with my friends. I have a group of really close friends that a know for a long time. I can easily get along with people, especially the ones that are in my school or in my extra-curricular activities. I don't really know in what job I want to do later in life. When I was little, like a lot of other kids, I wanted to be an actress or a supermodel. But I'm 5 feet 1 so that won't be possible (LOL). However, I think that I will work in the field of economics, law or social sciences. I hope that I will have a more precise idea when I return to France. There are a lot of different activities that I like to do. First of all, I'm fond of dance. Indeed, I do ballet, modern jazz and contemporary dance. I also sew a lot and I creat my own clothes that are my style and I hope fit me well. I like to read, spend time with my family and my friends, traveling, going to the cinema, listening to music and playing board games. Moreover, I like to do lot of different sports like hiking, skiing or playing volleyball with my friends, even if we aren't good at it. Well, I think that I said a lot of things about me to help you to know me better. Thank you for reading my letter and I can't wait to meet you!

A little more about me


French (native), English (7 years), Spanish (5 years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Allergy to kiwi. Mild allergy. Swollen red eyes.

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Academic Year

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation

teacher-researcher in economics

Mother's Occupation

PhD student


EMMA (20) AMBRE (9)

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

Start application