







Top 3 Interests
Tennis/Soft Tennis
Other Interests
Board Games/Cards/Dice Games/Chess


's Letter

Dear host family, I'm happy to introduce myself to you. I'm Lucie, I have a little sister, her name is Emma. I also have two half-sisters, their names are Mona and Florina. I'm very close to my sister, we are always togheter. I'm also very close to Florina because she's a year younger than me. My mother's name is Ludivine and my father's name is Cristophe. My parents are divorced for 10 years , but despite this, they still have a good relationship. They live in the same village, it's very practice. At my dad's I have a dog, a border collie named Lucky. At my mom's, I have a cat named Charlie. At school, I'm a very sociable girl, I have a lot of friends but I make a big difference between close friends and friends. I have around 6 close friends and they are the same since I was young. They have a big importance in my life, I see them every day. Then, I have a lot of friends, I'm not in the same class as my close friends , but it allows me to meet new people. When it's lunch time, I'm very happy to see my close friends again. I love moving, so during lunch time, I always play volleyball or football even if I'm not very good , I love it. My school is pretty strict and we have a lot of tests and homeworks (around 3 per day) so I'm obliged to have a regular work rhythm. Teachers know my abilities, therefore when I'm distract, they call me to order. I'm very attentive when I like the school subject. I love spending time with others, especially with my friends... I love all activities and I want always to try and discover new things. Generarelly, I'm not afraid. I love sport, for example tennis, volleyball, all water sports... And I love also sport activities for example jetski, tree climbing, bungee jumping... I love new experiences. I play tennis in a club. I also like clothes, beauty products, skin cares.. I like shopping ! :-) I'm a pretty cheerful girl, my friends often say I'm funny, I'm talkative and I'm a good listener when people talk to me. I'm always ready for activities because I'm very curious. I like to discover. I choose USA because I've never been there and it has always been my dream. Obviously, I want to learn English so I could have gone to England ,for example, because it's closer to my country but ....NO... I really want to discover a completely differente culture and live far from my reference points. I think that this experience will make me grow up and will change my vision on few points, open my mind. I have always wanted to live the American dream. Everythings seems so different there: the food, the school, the sport...I can't wait to live this experience!! At home, I help my parents with household chores. I clean my room alone. I like cooking simple dishes and desserts. It will be a pleasure for me to make you taste my chocolade cakes or cookies :-) On week-ends or holidays, I work as a student in a Trampoline's park. I like this and it allows me to earn some money. Thanks to this , I can contribute financially with my parents to the USA project. I think it's normal because it's a big project. I hope that I can bring you new knowledges . I have another culture, another lifestyle. It will be very interesting to exchange our points of view. I also hope you will like my joy of life, with me we never get bored ;-) I hope you are as eager to meet me as I am! I thank you very much for welcoming me and for helping me to realize my best dream :-) Best regards, Lucie

A little more about me


French (native), English (3 years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Academic Year

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation

Business Manager

Mother's Occupation

Bank employee


Emma (14)

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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