







Top 3 Interests
Other Interests
Playing Cards
Crafting or Jewelry Making
Music - Listening to or creating


's Letter

Dear host family, My name is Alix and I’m 16 years old. I have two brothers, I live with my parents and one of my brothers because the other lives in a apartment. We do not have “real” pets, but we have 4 chickens that are named Pimprenelle, Sidonie, Grenadine and Margueritte. They aren't very smart but super crazy. Concerning school, I love to go there because I have a lot of friends and so I'm super happy to see them. I like it also because of the classes I have, but it depends on the subject. For example, I’m quite bad at mathematics and physics (because I find it hard to understand) but I’m really good at languages. To study well, I always do beautiful and clean synthesis, with several colors, because I have a visual memory so I need them to be super clear. I’m very interested in languages because it’s super useful and above all, I really enjoy learning new languages. With these kind of skills, I can travel around the world and it may be useful for my future jobs. I’m also interest in cooking and baking of different countries. I like to discover new things, and food is part of it. I like manual work, like drawing, making origami or Brazilian bracelet. And one of my favorite interest is music. I don’t play any music instrument, but I enjoy listen to it. It is something I have in common with my dad and my oldest brother. We like to advise each others new songs or artists. I’m very smiling and funny (or at least I’m trying to be funny). I’m curious and motivated about this exchange year, and I can’t wait to actually do it!! I’m helpful and attentive, I’m independent and I can take care of myself. I’m very talkative but also very listening. Of course I'm not perfect and I do have defaults, but I'm trying every day to be better! I wanted to do this exchange year for several reasons. First, I want to be perfectly bilingual in English. I also want to try a new lifestyle. I think that the American school’s schedule is different from the Belgian’s one, the food, the activities, etc... I also want to become more independent and self confident. And lastly, I want to try things (option at school, for example) that I would have never tried in Belgium, and maybe find what job or what kind of job I want to exert in the future. I choose the USA because it’s a huge country that can be very different depending on where you are, whether it’s about nature, culture, people, food, weather,… The USA are a kind of “dream” for me. I saw plenty of movies and series about the USA and the High School’s life and I really want to live this. I think I can bring a bit of my Belgian culture to my new family, school and friends. I can teach you some recipes, talk you about some “important” cities in Belgium, some traditions, and so on... I want to thank you for letting me live an entire year with you. I can understand that it may be weird and difficult, but I'll do my best so we both have a good experience of that. I can’t wait to meet you all ! Bye, Alix :)

A little more about me


French (native), English (5 years), Dutch (3 years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Academic Year

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation

Independent business manager

Mother's Occupation

Independent business manager


Nathan (27) Sam (25)

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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