







Top 3 Interests
Anime or Manga
Other Interests


's Letter

Dear Host Family, hi! My name is Carlo and I am Italian, I recognize myself in a funny and smart person, I like joking around with people that I am familiar with but I can also be serious if it is necessary. I think that I could be a good exchange student because of my optimistic personality and I also think that I could bring something different from the usual in your house, I really think that this "cultural exchange" between the family and the student is an important part of the experience. I practice basketball three times a week plus the game in the week-end, I really like playing that sport and when I am on the court I fell free. I have a special bond with my teammates and with the coach, we often challenge each other because we want to bring out the best from one another. I have played basketball for 10 years now. I live with my mom, my dad and my little sister; being with them makes me happy, we sometimes go out on Saturday night all together just for a pizza or a meal in general. My mom is the one that I feel more similar to me, we like the same movies and we often go at the cinema together. One of my favourites things to do with my friends is going out to a resturant and talk about our week with eachother, I love my friends just as I love my family. We also often go play basketball in a summer camp during summer, we only play basketball from the sunset to the dawn for two weeks. I go to a scientific lyceum and my favourites subjects are phisics and Italian literature because I like understanding the world around me and how it works from a scientific way and from a poetic point of view. I studied French for 5 years but I do not speak it very well even though I undestand it a bit. For now I do not have any future plans and maybe one of my objectives for the exchange is find out what I want to do in my life and what I am really good at; let's just say that my goal is to find out what my goal is! I chose the USA for my exchange year because I wanted to see a lifestyle different from the European one and this country has always been like an utopia for me, so I decided that this was an opportunity that I could not miss! I really hope that this letter will help you decide if I am a good match for your family, good bye and thank you, I can not wait to meet you! Carlo

A little more about me


Italian (native), English (10+ years), French (5 years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Fall Semester

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation

Office worker

Mother's Occupation

Office worker


Camilla (13)

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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