






Sri Lankan

Top 3 Interests
Formula One Racing
Travel/Road Trips
Other Interests


's Letter

Dear host family, I hope you are all well. First of all I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your willingness to take me as a family member for 6 months and to offer me the amazing opportunity to live in the United States. This is really not a given and I really appreciate that. To get to know more about me I will tell you something about myself. My name is Mayooran but most of the people call me Mayoo. I live in a small city in a house with my parents and a little sister. My favorite lessons in school are mathematics, English, geography and physical education. My friends describe my as a kind, caring, ambitious, disciplined and respectful person. My interests are in sports,traveling and languages. Especially soccer and formula 1 are the sports I am enjoying the most. Occasionally I follow the NBA and NFL but not that much. I play soccer in a soccer club up to 4 times per week and learn Tamil, which is my mother language, on Saturdays in a school. A typical day in my life looks like this: I wake up at 6am. After breakfast I take my bus to school. My school starts at 7:35am and finishes at 1pm. After school I have lunch at home. I have soccer training on Monday Tuesday and Thursday so in these days I have to hurry up. I do my homework and study for exams before training. My soccer training starts at 6pm and ends at 7:30pm. The traveling time to and from training is usually between 20 and 40 minutes by public transportation. In the evening I have a small dinner. Then I watch some YouTube Videos and prepare myself for the next day. Before going to sleep I read a book for at least 30 minutes. Usually I go to sleep between 10 and 11pm. On Saturdays I go to my mother language school from 9am to 1pm. In the afternoon I mostly have a soccer match and in the evening I spend time with friends. On sundays I take it easy and relax a bit. In the evening I study a bit and prepare myself for the upcoming week. There have been several reasons why I chose the United States for my exchange year. I have always been fascinated by the United States. The main reason was the lifestyle in the United States. All the great festivals like Thanksgiving, Halloween or Christmas. Everything seems to be bigger and more interesting in comparison to Germany. Another reason were some shows I have watched on TV. When I was a 9-year-old kid I watched a show on Nickelodeon called „100 things to do before High School“. Since I have watched the show it was a dream to study in a High School one day and thanks to the exchange program and your support I can make my dream come true. My goal during the exchange year is to improve my English skills to a very high level in order to speak it fluently. Beside that I want to collect memories and experiences which I will never forget in my life and which will help me in the future in terms of being abroad. I have already collected some experience abroad when I did an exchange with a Spaniard student. I have been in Spain for a week and there I have improved my self-sufficiency and my ability to adapt myself to different cultures. To integrate myself into your family I would like to take responsibility in the household. For example washing the dishes or cleaning the house. I would also like to do a lot of activities together to get to know each other better. Thank you for reading my letter. I hope you got a good first impression of me to decide if I fit into your family. Kind regards Mayooran

A little more about me


German (native), Spanish (3 years), English (6 years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?




Special Diet Details

No Beef

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Fall Semester

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation

Stewardness in a hotel

Mother's Occupation

Cleaning Service (part time job)


Tharhaney (14)

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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