







Top 3 Interests
Tennis/Soft Tennis
Other Interests
Computers or Technology
Drama or Theater
Skiing or Snowboarding
Table Tennis
Family Activities
Carnivals or Festivals
Surfing/Body Boarding


's Letter

Dear Host family, I would like to thank you for choosing me to live with you for half a year. I am a german boy and have just finished my 9th grade this year (2023). It is fun for me to try out new thing. That‘s why I want to visit you. I am very excited to spent my time in america and learn about your culture and your everyday life. I am a very outgoing, fun, happy, straightforward, nice, loving person and I am always open to help. Sport is also important to me because I am very athletic and I have fun when doing sports. Right now I am playing tennis. Its really cool to show your skills, improve and play matches against other players. I just love tennis! Have you ever played tennis? But I am not there to just play tennis, like I said, I really want to try new things and explore the american life. I hope you can help me with that. :) Altough it‘s going to be really hard for me to leave my family and friend, I am still very excited and glad that I can actually do this. I am really close with my family, they were always there to help me in tuff situations. I have two older sibling, a brother and a sister, my sister is almost 18 years old and my brother is 19 years old. They have both finished school already so it‘s kinda strange for me being the only child in the house sometimes, but I have learned to live with it eventhough I miss them sometimes. My friends are also very nice. We all get along very well. Especially the last few years with my friends were great because it was the time when we really started to all become bestfriends. And I even went on vacation with my closests friends. I haven‘t really started to think about my future yet because my plan is to just gratuate from school and then go study. What I eventually want to study is still unknown but I can guarantee you that I will come up with something, but not now. :D I know that there are plenty of new things that I can do in america and in an american high school and that is just what I want to do. I hope you can support me with that and I am very excited to join your family! Warm Regards Moritz :D

A little more about me


German (native), English (5 years), French (3 years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Fall Semester

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation


Mother's Occupation



Linus (20) Leonie (18)

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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