







Top 3 Interests
Skiing or Snowboarding
Other Interests
Bike Riding
Family Activities


's Letter

Dear future host family, My name is Isabel and first of all I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to live this new experience with you. Since I was little I have wanted to live this experience, because both my father and my older sister have had the opportunity to make this exchange students and both have told me that it is a unique experience, that you have to live once in your life. In addition they have also told me about many fun and different things that they did, otherwise if they had not gone a year to the United States, they would never have done in their home country, since the culture is different and there are parties and activities that are celebrated only there. Let me introduce me and tell you some things about me, how I am in my daily routine and what I like to do in my free time. I consider myself a responsible girl, because I care a lot about studies and getting good grades is my priority, since I want to be accepted into a good university. I am respectful, because in my family education is highly valued. And I'm also kind, funny and sociable, because I really like spending time with my family and friends, and meeting new people. When I have school, my daily routine consists of getting up, going to school, coming home to eat and the rest of the afternoon I stay at home doing homework and studying. One day a week I teach German in an academy in the afternoon for an hour and a half. On the weekend, since I don't have to go to school, I get up early in the morning to do homework and study, and in the afternoon I meet my friends. When I meet my friends what we do is go to a coffee shop to eat or drink something and then we take a walk, and after that, sometimes we go to a house and spend the rest of the afternoon there. When I have free time and I'm at home I like to watch TV and spend time with my family. In my free time I also like to go shopping with my friends, go to the cinema and I also really like to travel and get to know new places. The sports that I like the most and that I have practiced are golf, tennis and I also really like skiing, because in winter I always go with my family for a few days to the Pyrenees to ski and celebrate Christmas. In addition to learning English, I want to live this experience to get to know a new culture, festivals and traditions of a country different from mine. I also want to live the experience of an American high school, since the American school system is very different from the Spanish, both in the way of studying and in the subjects, since in Spain, for example, there is less variety of subjects. I want to know how are the typical football games that are hosted in high school and I also want to go to the dances that are celebrated in high school such as homecoming and prom, since in Spanish schools nothing similar to these games and dances is celebrated. During the year I also hope to be able to make friends that will last me for life and have a very good relationship with my host family, which I can maintain for the rest of the years. Regarding my future host family, I hope to be able to integrate like any other member of the family. Both in the responsibilities and rules of the house, as in activities, trips or traditions. I'm really looking forward to doing this exchange year, although I'm a bit nervous and scared, as I've never been away from home for a year and this is going to be the first one-year exchange I'm going to do. Anyway I am very excited, I know it will be an unforgettable year, in which I will live very good experiences and I hope to have a great time. Thank you for reading my letter. I hope to see you soon ! Isabel.

A little more about me


Spanish (native), English (10+ years), French (6 years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

I live with a very small dog because animals in general scare me, especially cats, mice and snakes.

Program Length

Academic Year

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation

Sales Manager

Mother's Occupation




Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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