September 23, 2015

Community Service Contest 2011

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Thank you once again for all of your tremendous CSC 2011 applications. We received well over one hundred applications and all of them were extremely competitive. We had a tremendously difficult time selecting our winners, but feel that the following three students demonstrated a true dedication to service:

Seema (Pakistan): Seema impressed our judges with her eagerness to do community service from the instant she arrived in the US. Her host family reported that "[Seema] did not even see her new home or room but wanted to know more about community service!" She did not stop at simply working in school volunteer opportunities or with her involvement with SADD, but also created her own volunteer opportunities within her small community to serve the people around her. Seema demonstrated growth in her maturity and self-awareness, and her work has positively impacted her greater community. As a teacher reported, "Seema has had a bigger impact on our community than any exchange student I have known in 15 years!"

Naia (Georgia): Naia has dedicated countless hours to community service since arriving in the US. Her work with foster children opened her eyes about real issues within American society and the importance of serving those less fortunate. Naia reports that she has learned a great deal about herself, and that community service gave her greater independence and humility, both of which will serve her as she aspires to become a diplomat in the future. Her recommendations were stellar, and not only has her support been essential to those whom she has worked with, but one of her teachers even reports: "She is one of the BEST students I have ever had!"

Ghada (YES): Ghada has immersed herself in various community service projects since arriving in the US, and the diversity of activities she has been involved in is what truly impressed the judges. Her projects ranged from working with foster children to working with children, but Ghada reports that one thing remained constant: "it felt good to help them." Ghada's teachers report that she sets an excellent example for her American classmates by being so involved in service, and that they see the positive impact she's making at her school and within her greater community. Her intelligence and strong work ethic have made her an asset in all the projects she works on.

CONGRATULATIONS to these three phenomenal young ladies who have really stood out from the crowd in their dedication to community service!!

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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